Request and obtain an official site plan
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
After a fee is paid, the official site plan is obtained from the survey section of the City Corporation.
Time and cost: 5 days, BTN 100
Request and obtain building permit
Agency: Thimphu Thromde (Architecture Section)
During stage 1 of the approval process, the company must submit a duly completed form to the architecture section of the Thimphu Thromde (City Corporation), along with the following:
- Latest Plot/Land Ownership Certificate
- Latest/re-validated official site plan issued by Urban Planning Division of Thimphu Thromde
- Certificate of the Architect and design engineers and Construction Development Board (CDB) registration number of the design Architect
- Three sets of Architectural drawings (A3 size) drawn to a suitable scale
- Three sets of Structural drawings (A3 size)
- Three sets of Electrical drawings (A3 size)
- Three sets of Sanitary/Sewerage drawings (A3 size)
- Three sets of Plumbing/Water supply drawings (A3 size)
- Three sets of Utility (Telephone/Internet) drawings (A3 size)
- Three sets of Drainage drawings (A3 size)
During stage 2 the architecture section will undergo a planning check with the structural, electrical, sewerage, and water supply sections. Although this is an internal process carried out by the City Corporation, not the company, BuildCo must follow up to ensure progress.
During stage 3, the Head of the Architecture Section receives the proposal with recommendations and findings for final approval. As with stage 2, BuildCo must follow up on the progress of this internal process.
The cost is the following:
- Amenities fee:
- Residential and institutional building: BTN 30.00 per sq. m.
- Commercial and industrial building: BTN 50.00 per sq. m.
- Scrutiny fee: BTN 3,000.00 or BTN 16.14 per sq. m. (the greater of).
Time and cost: 90 days, BTN 86,022
Notify the Municipality of the beginning of construction
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
BuildCo must pick up its construction permit. A preconstruction site inspection must be requested in writing.
Upon starting construction, the company notifies the City Corporation in writing.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive pre-construction inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde (Building Section)
Upon BuildCo’s request to the City Corporation’s building section, the building inspector conducts a site inspection. Afterwards, routine inspections occur every 3 weeks. If the work is not conducted according to plan, the City Corporation issues a notice to rectify the process. If the company does not comply with the first notice, the utility company disconnects service. If the company does not comply with the third notice, the structure will be demolished (in the presence of a building inspector, engineer, architect, surveyor, and police personnel).
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request water connection and inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
To obtain a water connection, BuildCo must submit an application to the building section of the City Corporation and pay a connection fee of BTN 3,200.00 for a 1.5 inch pipe to the revenue section of the water company.
Time and cost: 1 day, BTN 3,200
Receive inspection of water connection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde (Building Section)
All connections must be verified in advance to check whether they comply with water and sanitation rules. The wait time is about 7 — 9 days.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive excavation work inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
Excavation work is inspected about 3 weeks after the previous inspection. Thus, Buildco does not have to request an inspection. Moreover, BuildCo does not need to stop work during inspection. However, it must provide the inspector with transportation to the site.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive foundation work inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
Foundation work is inspected about 3 weeks after the previous inspection. Thus, BuildCo does not have to request an inspection. Moreover, BuildCo does not need to stop work during the inspection. However, it must provide the inspector with transportation to the site.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive ground floor inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
The ground floor work is inspected about 3 weeks after the previous inspection. Thus, BuildCo does not have to request an inspection. Moreover, BuildCo does not need to stop work during the inspection. However, it must provide the inspector with transportation to the site.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive drainage inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
Drainage work is inspected about 3 weeks after the previous inspection. Thus, BuildCo does not have to request an inspection. Moreover, BuildCo Company does not need to stop work during the inspection. However, it must provide the inspector with transportation to the site.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive first floor inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
The first floor work is inspected about 3 weeks after the previous inspection. Thus, BuildCo does not have to request an inspection. Moreover, BuildCo does not need to stop work during the inspection. However, it must provide the inspector with transportation to the site.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive second floor inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
The second floor work is inspected about 3 weeks after the previous inspection. Thus, BuildCo does not have to request an inspection. Moreover, BuildCo does not need to stop work during the inspection. However, it must provide the inspector with transportation to the site.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive sanitary inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
Sanitary conditions are inspected about 3 weeks after the previous inspection. Thus, BuildCo does not have to request an inspection. Moreover, BuildCo does not need to stop work during the inspection. However, it must provide the inspector with transportation to the site.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive fire inspection
Agency: Fire Department
Fire conditions are inspected about 3 weeks after the previous inspection. Thus, BuildCo does not have to request an inspection. Moreover, BuildCo does not need to stop work during the inspection. However, it must provide the inspector with transportation to the site.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive structure inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive inspection of the building surroundings
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Notify building controller of building completion
Agency: Thimphu Thromde (Building Section)
A written confirmation, stating that construction is completed, is issued to the building controller.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Receive final inspection
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
When the construction (including utility connections) is completed, BuildCo must notify the City Corporation. Subsequently, the site will be inspected by a team (architect, engineer, surveyor, the Corporation’s building inspector, and representatives of electrical, plumbing, and sanitation agencies). The environmental commission and the telephone company are also informed and asked to join the team, if necessary. If the team deems that the construction has been completed according to the agreed standard and plans, it recommends the issuance of an occupancy certificate. Otherwise, they ask BuildCo to remedy the deficiencies.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Connect to sewage services
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
To obtain sewage services, BuildCo submits an application to the head of sewerage section of Thimpu Thromde through architect cell for new sewerage connection with a copy of the plan and a connection fee of BTN 3,000. The application should include the sewerage layout drawings, and ensure that the distance between the proposed sewer connection and the nearest municipal sewer do not exceed 70 m (as per the ‘water and sanitation rules, 1995). The technical feasibility for sewer connection shall be carried out at site.
The application should also include a drawing of the lay out and the alignment of the sewer. The final connection to the municipal manhole shall be verified and approved by TCC.
Time and cost: 25 days, BTN 3,000
Connect to water services
Agency: Thimpu Thromde
In order to obtain a new water connection, BuildCo must submit a duly filled application form to the water supply section. The forms are available at the Engineering Division and Water Complaint Offices or can be downloaded from the TCC website. The Building Section will conduct verification check for the feasibility of the connection, and water Meter will be issued after the approval from Engineering Division and the payments for connection. BuildCo carries out necessary works for connection, and TCC will connect the private line to the municipal main.
The property owner shall also be responsible for the maintenance of the water meter after the installation.
The Meter Chamber must be built according to the Standard Water Meter Chamber Drawing which can be collected from the office or can be downloaded from the website. Meter shall be installed only when the meter chamber is ready.
Time and cost: 21 days, BTN 3,200
Request and obtain occupancy certificate
Agency: Thimphu Thromde
Time and cost: 14 days, no charge