Check company name
Agency: Guichet Unique de la Création d’Entreprise
Business founders can verify the company name at the Registry free of charge.
Time and cost: 2 days, no charge
Register with the Commercial Registry, the tax administration (Direction Générale des Impots), the National Institute for Social Security (INSS) and declare the establishment of the company with the Ministry of Labor
Agency: Guichet Unique de la Création d’Entreprises
At the One stop shop, companies fill in a “formulaire unique” in order to register with the Commercial Registry, the tax administration (Direction Générale des Impots), the Ministry of Labor and the National Institute for Social Security (INSS)
The following documents must be filed:
- Identity card or passport (one copy).
- Completed BA form
- Articles of Association.
- A signed declaration from the manager certifying that he has never been arrested by the police.
- Declaration of conformity to the law, dated and signed by each founder.
- Letter addressed to the divisional clerk of the Commercial Court (Tribunal de Commerce).
The BA form can be downloaded through the website, and the documents can be sent through email. However, most companies do not use this service and it is still required to go in person to the GUFE to pay the required fees.
Time and cost: 3 days, USD 80
Deposit the capital amount in the bank
Agency: Bank
According to the Decree n. 002/cab/min/jgs&dh/014 and n.243/cab/min/finances/2014 of December 30, 2014, the minimum capital funds may be deposited in a bank account opened by the shareholders in a credit institution or an accredited micro-finance institution, and the payment slip shall be deemed to be the proof of the deposit of the said funds. There is a representative of a commercial bank inside the Commercial Registry (one stop shop). The registration fees are also paid at the bank.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Declare the establishment of the company with the National Office of Employment (l’Office National de l’ Emploi, ONEM)
Agency: ONEM
According to Article 216 of the Labor Code, any physical or legal person planning any activity that requires the hiring of workers must notify the Labor Inspection Department and the National Bureau of Employment within 15 days of the start of business. The declaration is filed in a single form, with one specimen sent to the Inspectorate of Labor and another two to the Office of Employment.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge