Obtain cadastral extract
Agency: Urban Survey Department and Cadastre (Divisions Urbaines des Titres Immobiliers et du Cadastre)
BuildCo must obtain the survey map abstract which accompanies the plot occupancy deed.
Time and cost: 15 days, USD 5
Receive inspection before commencement of construction works
Agency: Ministère de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat
Ministerial Arrete # CAB/MIN.ATUH/SG/MP/GHK/0001/2016 of March 16th 2016 introduced municipal inspections before and during construction.
During this inspection of the construction site will be organized to check the ownership and whether there are other constraints, or charges on this lot. The authenticity of the property title and / or any other documents attached to the request for requesting a building permit will be checked as well.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain building permit
Agency: Ministère de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat
The building permit authorizes the company to erect a structure in durable or semidurable material, according to the zoning laws, irrespective of the intended use. The building permit is valid for 3 years and is renewable. The new Arrêté du Ministre de l’Urbanisme et Habitat n° 027/CAB/MIN.URB.HAB/CJ/AP/CEH/2012 du 3 mars 2012 has delegated the signature on the permit to the local authority.
The documents required for a construction permits are as follows:
- Leasing contract
- Cadastral extract
- Request for construction permit
- Plan de situation échelle 1/2000
- Plan de masse échelle 1/500
- Plan de situation et d’implantation (rues, voisins, hauteur construction)
- Plan exécution échelle 1/50
Time and cost: 30 days, USD 1,639
Receive inspection during construction
Agency: Ministère de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat
This second inspection is to check whether the construction is in compliance with the plans; whether the right construction materials are being used and whether the builder is respecting the schedule.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Request and receive final inspection
Agency: Ministère de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat
According to Article 19 Of the Arrêté ministériel n° CAB/MIN-ATUHITPR/006/2014 portant réglementation de l’octroi du Permis de construire en République Démocratique du Congo of 4 April 2014, BuildCo must request a certificate of conformity in writing. A notice acknowledging that the certificate of conformity has been applied for is issued to BuildCo. The Ministry will proceed with a final inspection to check if the warehouse is in compliance with the approved plans and according to existing urban law.
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain the certificate of conformity
Agency: Ministère de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat
Time and cost: 30 days, no charge
Request a new property title at the Property Registry
Agency: Conservateur des Titres Foncier et Immobiliers
The Conservateur will first issue a «Note de Frais» to the attention of BuildCo. This note de frais must be delivered to the DGERAD agent located in the Property Registry. A “Note de Perception” is issued and must be paid at a commercial bank. Once payment is made at the bank, proof of receipt is delivered to the accounting department and a copy is given to the Conservateur.
Time and cost: 7 days, USD 60
Receive inspection of the property and obtain PV de mise en valeur
Agency: Cadastre
An agent will visit the property to check the mise en valeur and will establish a new cadastral map in the name of BuildCo to reflect the construction.
Time and cost: 15 days, no charge
Obtain the new property title
Agency: Conservateur des Titres Foncier et Immobiliers
The PV de mise en valeur (the new cadastral map) is given to the Conservateur, who will then issue the Property title. This cadastral extract, along with all other documentation, are signed by the Director of the Cadastre Division.
Time and cost: 7 days, no charge
Apply to the water corporation for connection to the water mains
The time required to connect to the water main depends on how far the building or land is situated from the water source. The time varies between one day and one week. The minimum fee is USD 100.00.
Time and cost: 1 day, USD 100
Receive inspection by water corporation and receive cost estimate
Time and cost: 1 day, no charge
Obtain connection to water mains
Time and cost: 14 days, no charge
Build septic tank
Agency: Private firm
Time and cost: 6 days, USD 1,575